
At 3Cs we believe in making meaningful connections and passing quality contacts.

We find single sector membership at Retford and Worksop helps develop trust and avoids competition around the table. It makes a member the go to person within their industry.

After up to two guest attendances a business may opt for membership. Our members agree to pay a subscription fee for a six month period. At the end of this time they are invited to apply for renewed membership.

Our members take turns to give share skills that are of benefit to the group. 3Cs Business Network will endeavour to energetically support and promote a members business as much as possible, and all members are encouraged to reciprocate.


Our current membership includes the following companies.

Retford Members

Worksop Members

Rotherham Members

Alumni Members

Members of more than three terms who remain on the website, may attend twice in six months but do not lock out their sector:

Want to join 3cs? Complete our membership application

3CS Netowrking

We are a group of experienced & successful networkers. Our aim is help you find good CONTACTS, make good CONNECTIONS and develop profitable CUSTOMERS.


3Cs offer free membership to local chosen charities or good causes.

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